TimelyDo provides meetings, which are collaborative and interactive online events to strengthen team bonds and foster teamwork among team members. The session will be conducted through a virtual meeting platform, such as Google Meet, Zoom, Phone number, and more. An experienced team-building expert will facilitate it.
Embedding QR Code on a website involves placing the QR code image within the webpage's content. Users can scan the code to access relevant links or information associated with the webpage. "To embed QR code, it is necessary to enable QR Code integration."
After signing up on the TimelyDo Dashboard, To enable QR code integartion, please follow the instructions provided below:
1. Then click on the 'Profile' button on the Top Right of the TimelyDo Dashboard of your account.
remove_photo_photo____title___how_to_remove_profile_photo_on_timelydo____alt___remove_profile_photo_on_timelydo____picture.png.png43.1 KB 2. Click on the 'User Profile' and 'Integartions' option in the dropdown menu.
3. After Clicking on the 'Integrations' where you can Enable and Disable Embed QR code. To eable QR Code integration, click on the 'Connect' button, and it will automatically enable the integration. embed_QR disbale____title___how_to_disable_integration_on_timelydo____alt___embed_code_on_timelydo____picture.png58.1 KB
Note: If you want the code to remain embedded where you embedded it but disable QR Code elsewhere, just disable embed QR Code integration. "Follow the same instructions for Disable QR Code Integration".
To Disbale QR Code: 1. To disable QR Code integration, click on the 'Connected' button, and it will automatically disable the QR Code integration. Great, Integration is disable. embed_disbale____title___how_to_disable_integration_on_timelydo____alt___embed_code_on_timelydo____picture.png61.7 KB
Note: Make sure to review the changes before saving to ensure all information is accurate and up-to-date. Simply said, that is everything! Here are the instructions to Enable and Disbale QR Code Integration. You're free to visit our knowledge base to learn more about TimelyDo's services and get in touch with us directly through Contact Usif you have any more questions.
TimelyDo provides meetings, which are collaborative and interactive online events to strengthen team bonds and foster teamwork among team members. The session will be conducted through a virtual meeting platform, such as Google Meet, Zoom, Phone number, and more. An experienced team-building expert will facilitate it.
Embedding QR Code on a website involves placing the QR code image within the webpage's content. Users can scan the code to access relevant links or information associated with the webpage. "To embed QR code, it is necessary to enable QR Code integration."
After signing up on the TimelyDo Dashboard, To enable QR code integartion, please follow the instructions provided below:
1. Click on the 'More' button on the Bottom Right of the TimelyDo Dashboard of your account.
connect_calendar____title___how_to_connect_calendar_on_timelydo____alt___connect_calendar____picture.png.png50.3 KB 2. Menu will appear on the screen and then click on the 'Integartions' option in the menu.
3. After Clicking on the 'Integrations' where you can Enable and Disable Embed QR code. To eable QR Code integration, click on the 'Connect' button, and it will automatically enable the integration. embed_integration____title___how_to_embed_integration_on_timelydo____alt___embed_code_on_timelydo____picture.png56.5 KB
Note: If you want the code to remain embedded where you embedded it but disable QR Code elsewhere, just disable embed QR Code integration. "Follow the same instructions for Disable QR Code Integration".
To Disbale QR Code: 1. To disable QR Code integration, click on the 'Connected' button, and it will automatically disable the QR Code integration. Great, Integration is disable. embed_QR disbale____title___how_to_disable_integration_on_timelydo____alt___embed_code_on_timelydo____picture.png57.7 KB
Note: Make sure to review the changes before saving to ensure all information is accurate and up-to-date. Simply said, that is everything! Here are the instructions to Enable and Disbale QR Code Integration. You're free to visit our knowledge base to learn more about TimelyDo's services and get in touch with us directly through Contact Usif you have any more questions.
TimelyDo provides meetings, which are collaborative and interactive online events to strengthen team bonds and foster teamwork among team members. The session will be conducted through a virtual meeting platform, such as Google Meet, Zoom, Phone number, and more. An experienced team-building expert will facilitate it.
Embedding QR Code on a website involves placing the QR code image within the webpage's content. Users can scan the code to access relevant links or information associated with the webpage. "To embed QR code, it is necessary to enable QR Code integration."
After signing up on the TimelyDo Dashboard, To enable QR code integartion, please follow the instructions provided below:
1. Click on the 'More' button on the Bottom Right of the TimelyDo Dashboard of your account.
settings_on_timelydo____title___click_on_settings_on_timelydo____alt___more_on_timelydo____picture.png35.5 KB 2. Menu will appear on the screen and then click on the 'Integartions' option in the menu.
3. After Clicking on the 'Integrations' where you can Enable and Disable Embed QR code. To eable QR Code integration, click on the 'Connect' button, and it will automatically enable the integration. embed_integration____title___how_to_embed_integration_on_timelydo____alt___enable-embed_code_on_timelydo____picture.png80.6 KB
Note: If you want the code to remain embedded where you embedded it but disable QR Code elsewhere, just disable embed QR Code integration. "Follow the same instructions for Disable QR Code Integration".
To Disbale QR Code: 1. To disable QR Code integration, click on the 'Connected' button, and it will automatically disable the QR Code integration. Great, Integration is disable. embed_QR disbales____title___how_to_disable_integration_on_timelydo____alt___embed_code_on_timelydo____picture.png57.3 KB
Note: Make sure to review the changes before saving to ensure all information is accurate and up-to-date. Simply said, that is everything! Here are the instructions to Enable and Disbale QR Code Integration. You're free to visit our knowledge base to learn more about TimelyDo's services and get in touch with us directly through Contact Usif you have any more questions.